Saturday, September 29, 2012

Have you ever?

I have a question for all the moms out there.  Have you ever been riding down the road after dropping the kids off somewhere or leaving them with your husband at home, and notice after a good five or ten minutes that you have been rocking out to Elmo in the car all by yourself?  Oh, you haven't?  Maybe it's just me then. 

My kids love to watch the dvd player in the car.  We always have on Barney, Elmo, or some other (not annoying at all) DVD playing.  My daughter has yet to master wearing the headphones for any length of time.  She usually will wear them for about five minutes and then take them off and drop them in the floor.  Then she will say, "Sound on please".  She doesn't understand that she would be able to hear if she would just leave the stinking headphones on.

Since the kids don't wear the headphones with any consistency yet, I am often left to endure listening to the wonderful music they just can't seem to get enough of.  As much as I hate to admit it, after a little while, I can't help but start bobbing my head a little.  This is only really embarrassing when I am the only one in the car, and I have forgotten that I am finally on my own.  Sometimes life is just so busy that when I finally have a little bit of a break, I forget how to be a real person, not just a mom.  Thank goodness no one else can hear what I have been listening to.  I still feel embarrassed when I finally pay enough attention and realize what I am doing.

When I do find myself kid free (even if it is just for a trip to the store), I will immediately turn to a radio station, or I play a CD that I love.  I get so much satisfaction out of those few minutes of alone time.  Sometimes it is just so nice to be able to focus on no one but yourself.  I love being a mom, but it is also nice to just be me once in a while (even if those times are few and far between).


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