Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Minivan Dream

Fisher-Price Loving Family Minivan (Google Affiliate Ad)

I am just going to come right out and admit it.  I love my minivan.  I never thought that I would be a minivan mama, but here I am enjoying every minute of it.

I got my minivan the day my son and I came home from the hospital.  After three months of bed rest and a pretty difficult pregnancy, my husband and I decided that I should get one to make life as comfortable as possible transitioning from one kid to two.  

Yeah, yeah, I know some of you are thinking, an SUV is just as easy and has just as much room as a minivan.  You are wrong.  My minivan is so much easier than my husband's SUV.   I never worry about packing too much.  The kids aren't whining over who is touching who.  It drives like a car, and I don't really care that I have turned into a cliche.  

I used to never think that I would drive something so stereotypical.  I was too hip to drive a minivan (people still use the word hip, right?).  But, I can say that at this point in my life, I wouldn't want to drive anything else.  I am sure that one of these days, after the kids are grown and gone, that I will love driving a cute little sports car or an SUV.  But right now, I am going for convenience.  I am at that point in my life where I don't give a rat's you know what about what other people think.  I am content to live my life comfortably whether that means driving in my minivan, going around all day in my yoga pants, or throwing my hair up in a ponytail every morning. 

As someone who used to be pretty concerned about my appearance, I have finally come to the realization that most people don't care what I look like or drive.  And the ones who do don't really matter.  


  1. I love it. I still won't drive a mini van but that's just me (even with the 3 1/2 yr old and the twins who are now 21 months) lol. I applaud you for doing this blog. So awesome, cannot wait to read your posts in the future.

  2. I agree with you. What I love about minivan is the ample space it provides. It’s perfect for putting extra belongings, especially when you are on a road trip.

    Leisa Dreps


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